Leah Coleman » Information for Parents

Information for Parents

Welcome to my classroom! I am excited to get to know you and your student this year. I've included some helpful information for parents here, but scroll down for a quick message to your student from me.
First Grade Academic Schedule:
7:40-8:15 Skills Block
8:15-9:20 Knowledge Block
9:30 - 10:20  Math Block
10:25 -10:55 Lunch:  Parents are invited to have lunch with their children. 
Please do not bring food from outside vendors.
11:00-11:55 Math Stations
12:00 -12:40 Related Arts
12:45 - 1:30  Reading Stations
1:30 - 2:00  Snack/Recess
2:00 Dismissal Procedures
Make sure to send in a healthy snack that is easy for your child to open on their own as well as a refillable water bottle that they can drink from throughout the day and take to lunch. Students will have multiple opportunities to refill the bottle during the day. Please send water only so that if we have any spills we can clean up easily.
Dismissal - It is important you let me know on the first day of school how your child gets home. This will become the norm and we will not deviate from this unless there is a note in the agenda letting me know the change of transportation. If a change needs to be made during the school day, please call the front office. Do not email with changes to transportation as there is no guarantee I will be able to check my email during the school day.
We will be using Class Dojo to communicate this year. You will receive an invitation to the class page after registration. Please use this app or the school agenda to communicate important information with me. Please allow 24 hours for a response. 
I'm excited about a fantastic 1st-grade year!
Mrs. Coleman
A Note to Students
Are you excited for your first day of school? I am excited to meet you! If you are nervous I hope you know that is ok and normal. I get nervous too! I've linked a book for you to listen to called The Night Before 1st Grade. Click the button below and it will take you to the read-aloud.
Welcome to my classroom family!
Your teacher,
Mrs. Coleman