Freida Sage » Mrs. Freida Sage's Superstars

Mrs. Freida Sage's Superstars

Sage's Superstars Motto


We are the SUPERSTARS and we are always shining bright

for all to see.  We lead by example and serve as a

guiding light for others at our school, our home, and our

community.  Our goal is to be kind and respectful to

everyone we encounter throughout our day, week,

month, year . . . our lives.  We appreciate our strengths,

and the strengths of others; we find our strength by

supporting others.  We thrive when pushed outside our

comfort zone for we are learning and growing together. 

We build daily on our prior knowledge and strive to be

our absolute possible best at all times

We are a team . . . Go Team SUPERSTARS!!!

Contact Mrs. Freida Sage:
School Phone #: 615-904-3810, Extension: 22527
Cell Phone #:  615-828-6782 (Emergency Only)
Four Classroom Rules
1.  Raise your hand to say something; wait for teacher to call on you before speaking.  
2.  NO Side Talks!!!
3.  Keep your eyes on your teacher.
4.  Do NOT move from your spot (seat) unless asked to do so.