Kindergarten Can-Do

Barfield Kindergarten students are beginning a recycling project on Thursday, September 1st.  What C-A-N you do?  Start collecting aluminum cans (any brand).  We will have one turn-in date each month- please see dates below.


Our school goal is 3000 pounds of aluminum.  Money raised from the sale of the cans will go to purchase educational activities, teacher resource books, and other needed educational supplies for kindergarten.


All cans MUST be sent in a plastic garbage bag. Send a note to your child’s teacher or write a note in his/her agenda to let your teacher know how many cans your child brought on pick-up day.  Please do not bring the cans to the room, please drop them off outside the kindergarten playground.  You may drop the cans off the night before but please do not send them before collection days.  Please make sure you have your cans here by 8:15 a.m. since they are picked up early in the mornings.


Talk with your child about the importance of this small part of a national effort to recycle a portion of the consumable waste in our environment.


Thursday Collection Dates:

September 1                        October 13

November 3                        December 1

January 5                             February 2

March 2                                April 6

May 4





All kindergarten children who bring in cans will receive a certificate of participation.  The boy and girl who bring in the most cans for kindergarten will receive an award at the Awards Ceremony at the end of the year.


Our latest Can-Do Collection winner was Jaxson, who collected 566 cans! Our turn-in days are the first Thursday of each month. To donate, place aluminum cans in well-tied garbage bags. Set these outside the Kindergarten Playground Entrance on Schoolside Street by 8:30 a.m. on the first Thursday of the month, or the night before.