Kati Rafacz » Web Resources

Web Resources

For Students
Browse our catalog to see what books are available!
Click the above link to learn how to place a book on hold.
Not sure if a book is appropriate? Check here.
Do you love comics? Try creating your own!
Fun interactive tool for learning.
Learn how to code.
E- Books
Resources for Teachers:
Eager to learn? Want another resource tool? Use freckle.com!
This is a great tool for video prompts and responses.
Access a plethora of stories being read online, here.
This is a great tool in which you can access relevant and leveled texts.
Have students create word clouds as an assessment tool or an ice breaker.
An interactive video tool in which the teacher selects and adds content while placing various types of questions throughout it. 
An interactive teaching tool that utilizes a variety of formats to teach and asses students as a whole group or individually.
Lessons to connect your students to the world.
An engaging assessment tool for digital literacy. 
Create a free account to access effective ELA lessons.
Animoto is offering teachers a free way to make videos for lesson implementation.
Get creative by using Canva to deliver info-graphics and instruction.